Monday, February 27, 2012

The Glass Menagerie: Allusion/Plot

"Oh, I can see the handwriting on the wall as plain as I see the nose in front of my face! It's terrifying!" (1253)

This quote reveals another commonly-used literary device in the play: allusions. It also reveals a big part of the plotline and a potential conflict of characters. First, the context of this quote is the secretive conversation between Amanda and Tom about Laura's characteristics influencing her romantic life. The quote is ultimately Amanda's biggest fear of Laura: that she is too awkward or shy to find a suitable husband. And the "handwriting on the wall," basically implying that something bad is about to happen (hinted at by the "ominous music" in the backround), is that Amanda's biggest fear will come true if the meeting of Jim and Laura proves unsuccessful.

Having read only the first 6 scenes so far, I suspect the conflict of Laura's awkward, anxious nature, combined with Amanda's over-parenting and Jim's laid-back attitude will soon unravel. Y'know, Laura kind of reminds me of Bartleby; in the scene we watched, he couldn't make a simple decision and worked himself up about it. That's a lot like Laura's inability to answer the door when a possible high school crush showed up. Admittedly, that could be awkward, but considering the girl couldn't even talk to another human being, I'm rooting for Jim to find another lady.

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