Thursday, October 6, 2011

"Edward" -Anonymous

"'O I have killed my father dear, Mother, Mother," (Lines 21-22)

Ok, I have to say I didn't understand this poem at all. Basically, repetition was the most reoccuring literary device used in this poem. The speaker keeps saying, "I have killed my..." I'm thinking the author is anonymous because the poem's just talking about killing things. I'm not sure whether it's literal or figurative, but if it's figurative I don't understand what it't symbolizing. Anyways, the thing that I think I mostly understand is the last line: "'the curse of hell from me shall ye bear, such counselsyou gave to me,O.'" I just interpreted this to mean that the son will go to hell once he dies/feel extreme guilt because that's what he put his mother through, emotionally, during his life. And to emphasize the "hell" the mother's been through, the author uses repetition throughout. One more thing: is Edward an allusion to a historical figure, or could he be a vampire from Twilight? I have no idea.

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