Wednesday, September 14, 2011

"February" - Margaret Atwood

I thought this poem was rally funny because it was really relatable. The part where the cat is described as a "black fur sausage" really made me laugh because I make that comparison all the time with small animals. Then, the cat "jumps up on the bed and tries to get onto m head." I'm positive that anyone reading this who has a small pet knows exactly what this is talking about. Because I felt the poem was really relatable to everyone with a pet-which is most people- reading this was actually fun. Also, the author's diction in this porm was really odd but amusing. The parts where Atwood says, "Some cat owners around here should nip a few testicles" and , "Cat, enouh of your greedy whining and your small pink bumhole" makes me visualize an old, crazy lady shouting things at cats all the time. Lastly, this poem is like the opposite of "Autumn" because the last line says, "Get rid of death. Celebrate increase. Make it be spring." Basically, the author means that winter is a dreary, terrible time of dath, and we should look forward to the hope and light of spring.

This is what I envisioned the speaker to look like.

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